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((((((((("Resuscitation"[Mesh] OR "Wounds and Injuries"[Mesh]) OR "Shock"[Mesh]) OR "Shock, Traumatic"[Mesh]) OR "Shock, Hemorrhagic"[Mesh]) AND "NCTH"[All Fields]) OR "noncompressible torso hemorrhage"[All Fields]) OR "injur*"[All Fields]) OR "wound*"[All Fields]) OR "trauma"[All Fields]) AND (((("REBOA"[All Fields] OR "Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta"[All Fields]) OR "IABO"[All Fields]) OR "intra-aortic balloon occlusion"[All Fields]) OR "Balloon Occlusion"[Mesh])
(((((((((("Resuscitation"[Mesh] OR "Wounds and Injuries"[Mesh]) OR "Shock"[Mesh]) OR "Shock, Traumatic"[Mesh]) OR "Shock, Hemorrhagic"[Mesh]) AND "NCTH"[All Fields]) OR "noncompressible torso hemorrhage"[All Fields]) OR "injur*"[All Fields]) OR "wound*"[All Fields]) OR "trauma"[All Fields]) AND (((("REBOA"[All Fields] OR "Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta"[All Fields]) OR "IABO"[All Fields]) OR "intra-aortic balloon occlusion"[All Fields]) OR "Balloon Occlusion"[Mesh])) AND ((("Military Personnel"[Mesh] OR "Military Medicine"[Mesh]) OR "Warfare"[Mesh]) OR "War-Related Injuries"[Mesh])
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