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Systematic Reviews: SR Steps to a Systematic Review - Yale

Systematic Reviews

Video Tutorials by Yale Librarians @ Yale University

Steps in a systematic search. Yale University

  1. Conduct scoping search.
    1. A scoping search is a preliminary search which allows you to become familiar with the topic and then to create & narrow down the research question. Example of Frameworks. Example of PICO.
  2. Identify key concepts. Example of key concepts.
  3. Identify databases. Example of databases.
  4. Build search strategy identifying medical subject heading (MESH) & keywords for each concept. Example of concept map using Boolean operators. Example of PICO concept map using Boolean operators.
  5. Apply study design filters & topical hedges.
  6. Search outside of published literature (Gray literature).
    1. Clinical trials
    2. Conference proceedings
    3. Dissertations & theses
    4. General scholarly search engines
  7. Validating, verifying & revising your search strategy
    1. Cited reference
      1. Reference lists within an article
    2. Citing reference (Look at cited by)
      1. SCOPUS
      2. Google Scholar`
    3. Author search
    4. Hand search key journals
    5. Consultation with experts
    6. MESH analysis (Make sure all appropriate MESH terms are used)
  8. Documentation.
    1. Detailed record o
      1. sources searched,
      2. date searched,
      3. years searched
      4. number of records found in each source,
      5. search strategy used.(Many databases allow you to save a search)
      6. The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)
      7. Include example of Prisma.
      8. Reference Management



Video 1: Introduction

Video 2. Systematic Review Process Step #1 & #2

Define the question
        Type of Intervention & Type of Studies
Assemble the team
Create review protocol
Conduct the search
Select studies
Appraise the quality of studies
Extract data
Analyze & present data
Interpret results
Write up report

Video 4 & 8: Systematic Searches: Building a Systematic Search. Step #4

Video 4 & 5: Building a search strategy using PubMed.
Video 6 & 7: Building a search strategy using OvidSP.
Video 8: Building a search strategy using Web of Science & Scopus.

Video 9. Filters & Hedges Step #5

Video #11 Step #7


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